06 August 2017

SB08-6-1 (Part 2)

A couple of weekends ago I realized that I had fallen into the trap where I have too many active 50% complete sections going on. One of the first ones that I had been putting off was the Service Bulletin 08-6-1. A couple of months ago, I drilled out all of the deck rivets and got access to start drilling out the doublers. Everything was at the point where I could finish up the drilling, deburring, priming, and riveting.

Match drilling the doublers.

Starting to rivet the doublers in place.

A couple of months ago I picked up a CP alligator rivet squeezer. I really had no use for it, at the time, but I ended up winning it for $45. While the rest of my air tools are Sioux, I guess I can live with some older solid CP tools in the box.

Anyways, the top row of rivets could not be squeezed with any of the yolks I had. The angles were just not right. I was going to hit these with the gun, but I was able to squeeze all the rivets with the alligator squeezer.

A couple more rivets and the deck can go on!

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