I have seen a lot of planes (or at least photos of planes) with people bundling the plug wires on their electronic ignitions. While I am not sure how important it still is in modern plug wires to separate cables by at least 1/4" I made the decision early on that I wanted to isolate individual plug wires.
I did end up ordering a lot of spare hardware from Summit and Amazon that I ended up not using as I was trying different wire layouts. As a base, FlyEFII sends 2x Taylor 8mm Spiro-Pro cable kits along with their System 32. I stuck with those cables as they seemed to be pretty nice quality. I swapped out the coil pack ends from that kit with Taylor Cable 46051 90 degree low profile HEI boots. I ended up doing that for two reasons. First, FlyEFII sends enough hardware to do the 12 plug cables. I always like to have extras prior to starting so I was going to be ordering another set of plug boots anyways. Secondly, I centered the coil pack bracket on the engine mount cross bar. In doing this, the coil packs are a bit close to the baffle. While the standard locking boots still fit in this space, the low profiles make it just a little bit nicer to service the forward facing boots.
In order to secure the cables I used 2 packs of 42700 as well as 2 packs of 42502 cable separators. The 42502 have standoffs included with them.
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