Showing posts with label amphenol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amphenol. Show all posts

05 January 2020

Stick control wiring

With both the left and right panel switches and breakers in, I was finally able to cut down the control sticks, install the stick grips, and start wiring the controls. I previously drilled the control sticks at the hand end so I could wire the controls internal to the stick tubes, but now that things are a little further together, I think that is a bad idea. The problem is not the end near the stick it is the pivot under the seat. The WD-1011 bracket under the seat has a 90 degree enclosed angle in it. I may re-think this later, but in order to get the wire to exit the control stick I would have to put a hole somehwere in the WD-1011 stick base. I remember thinking that I would pull the wire through the bottom of that control base, but now that I have the F-1064 push rods in place with the F-1065 that would be the wire bundle in interference with the physical controls of the plane. That I am not comfortable with.

I am going to keep the wiring on the outside of the control stick. I am using a connector that still fits through the control stick (at least the straight part of it) so if I ever needed to service my control wires it wouldn't be much of a problem. I chose some 7 pin circular connectors from Amphenol (APC1629-ND). The really great thing about these connectors is that they use same High Density pins and sockets that the DB connectors use for most of the other avionics.

The 7 control stick wires fit nicely into the connector, and the connector is actually small enough to fit through the control stick in case you choose to pop a hole in the control stick and route the wire inside of the stick.

The wiring pattern for the control sticks are as follows:
PinStick Wire ColorSwitchAirplane Wire
ABlueTrim (Up)Red (VPX Trim Up)
BBrownButton (Black)Not used
CYellowTrim (Right)Black (VPX Trim Right)
DPurpleTrim (Left)White Black (VPX Trim Left)
ERedButton (Red)White Black (CWS/Autopilot Disconnect)
FWhiteButton (PTT)White Yellow (Pilot) White Brown (Co-Pilot)
GGreenTrim (Down)White Red (VPX Trim Down)
HBlackGround (common)Black (GND_ControlStick)